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MTT 300 Faculty
EMI is passionate about training others in the most skillful ways to teach mindfulness, and we want to share our knowledge with you. This ever-changing page will offer many articles that delve into the different facets of teaching mindfulness .
Advancing Mindfulness Teaching & Fostering Inclusive Facilitation
In this episode, Lynn Korbel speaks with Engaged Mindfulness Institutes Program Coordinator Julie Paquette-Moore about advancing...
Criteria for Effective Mindfulness Teaching
In this episode, Rebecca Crane, Ph. D., speaks with Vita Pires, Ph. D., the Prison Mindfulness Institute executive director, about the...
Teaching Mindfulness, AI & a Sober Approach to the Future
In this episode, Shinzen Young speaks with Vita Pires, Ph. D., the Prison Mindfulness Institute executive director, about the...
Exploring Contemplative Practices, Teaching Mindfulness & Mindful Communication
In this episode, Oren Jay Sofer speaks with Julie Paquette-Moore of the Engaged Mindfulness Institute about exploring contemplative...
The Origins & Secular Applications of Teaching Mindfulness
In this episode, Christiane Wolf, PhD, speaks with Vita Pires, PhD, the executive director of the Prison Mindfulness Institute, about the...
Balancing the Path: Teaching Mindfulness, Zen Wisdom & Student-Centered Learning
In this episode, Melissa Blacker speaks with Julie Paquette-Moore of the Engaged Mindfulness Institute about addressing challenging...
A Trauma-informed Approach to Teaching Mindfulness
In this episode, David Treleaven, PhD, speaks with Vasmi Koneru, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist and certified Engaged Mindfulness...
Exploring the Path of Recovery and Teaching Mindfulness
In this episode, Valerie Mason-John speaks with Prison Mindfulness Institute's Executive Director, Vita Pires, Ph.D., about navigating...
New Podcast: "Teaching Mindfulness"
EMI's new "Teaching Mindfulness" podcast is a specialized resource dedicated to educators and facilitators aiming to enhance their skills...
Teaching Mindfulness through Embodiment, Trauma Healing, & Evolutionary Leaps
In this episode, Dr. Fleet Maull speaks with James Frank of the Engaged Mindfulness Institute about embracing the role and responsibility...
Teaching Mindfulness and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Gil Fronsdal
In this episode, Gil Fronsdal speaks with Prison Mindfulness Institute's Executive Director, Vita Pires Ph.D., about teaching mindfulness...
Teaching Mindfulness Summit
We have created an extraordinary, not-to-be-missed Free online event, the Teaching Mindfulness Summit, from April 30th to May 2nd.
Teaching Mindfulness: Workshop with Fleet Maull, Ph.D.
More information on joining the upcoming 11th Cohort of Mindfulness Teacher training. Teaching Mindfulness Talk Summary: (Guided...
Empathy & Teaching Mindfulness
In the realm of mindfulness teaching, empathy stands as a cornerstone. This vital element cultivates a positive learning environment and...
Imposter Syndrome in Teaching Mindfulness: A Paradox Worth Exploring
Mindfulness emphasizes cultivating awareness, acceptance, and presence in each moment. Mindfulness teachers are at the forefront of...
Formal vs. Informal Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness meditation can be practiced both formally and informally. While they share many expected benefits, each approach has unique...
Rumination: How Mindfulness Helps
Rumination is a pattern of repetitive and intrusive negative thoughts or worries that can occur in response to a stressful or upsetting...
What Mindfulness Isn't
Misconceptions and misunderstandings about mindfulness can lead people to have incorrect expectations or misguided views about the...
Teaching Mindfulness: Ask Why?
When teaching mindfulness, it is helpful to ask, "Why Mindfulness?" to determine the intentions and expectations. of your student. People...
Meditation is an Attention Revolution
Shamatha meditation, also known as calm abiding or tranquility meditation, is a foundational Buddhist meditation practice that aims to...
“Just Like Me”
I’ve become aware that noticing my ease or discomfort with a situation or people informs me. It informs me of the compassion or...
Wise Intentions and Mindfulness Practice
Goals and intentions are similar in that they refer to what a person hopes to achieve or attain. However, there is a subtle difference...
Attitudinal Factors of Mindfulness
The attitudinal factors of mindfulness refer to the mental states and dispositions that support mindfulness practice. Some of the...
Reflective Listening
Reflective listening is a powerful communication tool that involves actively paying attention to what someone is saying and then...
Interoception & Mindfulness
Interoception is the ability to sense the body's internal state, including feelings such as hunger, thirst, and physical discomfort. It...
Mindfulness in Daily Life
Mindfulness can be a valuable tool for helping us navigate the challenges of daily life. By bringing our attention to the present moment,...
Five Steps to Becoming a Mindfulness Teacher
Here are five steps you can follow to become a mindfulness teacher: Practice mindfulness meditation daily for several years: A strong...
The Greatest Gift
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how a gift may be defined, as well as taking a few moments to appreciate the gifts that I have gifted...
Trauma-Informed Mindfulness
In EMI’s online course on Trauma-Informed Teaching, clinical psychologist and founder of Somatic Experiencing, Peter Levine, Ph.D, and...
Your Breath is Your Ally
Early one morning, I was co-teaching a meditation class at the local county jail. The class was located in a tiny room with a giant...
Caution and Advice in Teaching Mindfulness
In EMI’s free online mini-course, Psychotherapist and Mindfulness teacher Ron Seigel and EMI’s training director Fleet Maull discuss tips...
Developing Mindfulness of Body
Mindfulness of Body Our bodies are always present and available as a tool for developing our mindfulness practice. We can use our body as...
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